Motorcycle vs. Car: 7 Reasons to Say Sayonara to Your Sedan

Motorcycle vs. Car: 7 Reasons to Say Sayonara to Your Sedan

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For better or for worse, the car is the default standard of transportation in many countries. But don’t let our car-centric culture convince you that you need four wheels to meet your everyday transportation needs. Many people have made the switch to a motorcycle and never gone back!

So, while the car still has its place, there’s a surprisingly long list of reasons why you might want to switch to two wheels for your main mode of transportation. Here are seven benefits that you can get from using a motorcycle as your primary vehicle.

1. Motorcycles are ideal commuter vehicles.

For getting around town and having a good time while you’re doing it, it’s hard to beat a motorcycle. They’re fast, efficient and fun to drive. Plus, their small size and maneuverability make them particularly good if you live in an urban area. In fact, people in large cities all over the world use motorcycles as inexpensive urban transportation.

2. Motorcycles are easy to park.

Always vexed by parking in an urban area? Get a motorcycle and observe the sweet, sweet parking spots now available to you. The small body of a motorcycle will slip easily into many spots that a passenger vehicle could never dream of–and you might even be able to find designated motorcycle parking. (Remember to follow all parking laws and never park in a restricted area such as a handicapped spot or sidewalk.)

3. Motorcycles can carry more cargo than you might think.

With the addition of a few well-made panniers and saddlebags, a motorcycle can carry more cargo than you might expect. Sure, you probably can’t do an IKEA run on your Ninja 400, but it can be a perfectly respectable choice for a quick trip to the grocery store. If you learn to pack efficiently, you can even go motorcycle camping!

4. Motorcycles are much more fuel-efficient than passenger vehicles.

Concerned about conservation? A motorcycle is a great way to use less fuel. Even the most powerful motorcycles usually get at least 30 mpg, and numerous smaller commuter bikes can get over 60 or 70 mpg.

Even the most fuel-efficient hybrid cars are hard-pressed to compete with that mileage. The money you’ll save on gas from driving such a fuel-efficient vehicle will add up more quickly than you might expect, and you may also be able to substantially reduce your carbon footprint.

5. Motorcycles offer a great social activity.

Riding is a fun social activity that offers an awesome way to spend time with friends–old and new. (Yes, we know car clubs are a thing, but you just can’t compare them to the feeling of riding in a pack.) Add a Bluetooth motorcycle helmet communicator like the Cardo Packtalk Bold to make it easy to shoot the breeze or give an important heads-up about road hazards.

biker parked on street

6. A motorcycle gives you a better outdoor experience.

You simply can’t experience the great outdoors in the same way from the limited space of a passenger vehicle. Ask anyone who’s ever toured a national park by motorcycle. The experience hits differently when you’re rolling through the Grand Tetons with your Bluetooth motorcycle speakers playing your favorite music in your helmet.

If you’re into scenic riding, here’s a hot tip: Get an adventure or dual-sport bike. These models are great for rugged roads and will open up lots of trail riding possibilities, and they offer high-mpg transportation as well.

7. Riding helps burn calories.

That’s right! Riding a motorcycle can even help keep your body in shape. It takes a substantial amount of strength to control a motorcycle, so even a short ride will burn some calories and strengthen your knees and core.

Exactly how many calories you’ll burn is a matter of debate, and most people agree that more strenuous types of riding–like adventure riding–will burn more calories. But whatever style of riding you do, you’ll almost certainly be burning more calories than you would in a car.

motorcyclist riding toward camera

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should necessarily sell your car and buy a Ducati with the money. Many people will still need to have a car for when they have to drive in heavy weather, bring home a large grocery run, take the kids to school or do any of the other things that cars are better suited for.

The point is this: If you can afford to make a motorcycle your everyday commuting vehicle, there are a lot of benefits to doing so. Try it out and you just might find that your life has a little more horsepower.


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Source: lassedesignen / Shutterstock

Source: mrivserg / Shutterstock