Cardo Blog

What to Wear Snowmobiling: Guide to Staying Warm on the Trail
Image Source: @levi_lavallee
Snowmobiling is a great American pastime that can help you experience the best of the outdoors. But winter sports come with their fair share of risks. Whether you’re o...

9 Must-Have Snowmobile Accessories
Source: Suvorov_Alex/
It’s peak snowmobile season, with racers and backcountry explorers hitting the slopes in search of perfectly preserved powder. Thanks to global warming, snow i...

Backcountry Snowmobiling: Everything You Need to Know
Body Stock/
Snowmobiles know no bounds when the ground is blanketed in snow. Groomed trails offer smooth, packed terrain for maximizing speed and perfecting turns in a predictable e...

5 Gifts for ATV Riders
Every ATV enthusiast loves getting new gear for the holidays. Whether they're tearing up the trails or conquering rugged terrains on a four-wheeler, it's the kind of hobby that makes festive shoppi...

10 Gifts for Snowmobilers
Your favorite snowmobiler is gearing for another season of powdery exhilaration, and you can make their next adventure safer with these essential gifts for trail riding. Supplementing their gear wi...

The Different Types of Snowmobiles
Nancy Pauwels/
With more than 1.27 million registered snowmobiles in the U.S., these snow-bound vehicles come in various styles designed for specific purposes or areas. They're used...

The Different Types of Four-Wheelers: A Helpful Guide
Over 1.2 million Americans own an ATV, a number that will only grow. The market rebounded in 2023 and is expected to gain ground over the next eight years as more drivers abandon paved roads for al...

Wie schnell fahren Motorschlitten?
Motorschlitten haben starke Motoren, mit denen sie schneller fahren können als viele Autos auf der Straße. Die Spitzengeschwindigkeiten variieren je nach Schlittentyp, Motorgröße, Marke und Modell,...

A Beginner's Guide to UTV Rock Crawling
Bulbous rock formations and carefully balanced climbs can easily be surmounted with well-equipped utility terrain vehicles (UTVs). The average off-roader is designed to navigate uneven terrain, but...

What to Wear ATV Trail Riding
ATV trail riding means getting down and dirty, exploring the backcountry and indulging your curiosity about where that one weird trail goes, making any ATV tour an exciting activity for first-time ...

Are Side-by-Sides Street Legal?
Side-by-side off-road vehicles make for the ultimate two-person adventure. You and your friend or significant other can explore deep into the mountains, cruise up and down the beach and take privat...

Understanding ATV Tire Pressure
ATV tires conquer all types of terrain — from soft sand and dirt to gravel roads and steep rock formations — using nothing but air. The amount of oxygen between the rubber sidewalls affects perform...

What Are Portals on a Side-by-Side?
Visit any ATV or off-road course, and you’ll see a range of tire sizes and riding heights, with some four-wheelers looming over the competition. These souped-up vehicles typically sport aggressive ...

The Ultimate Guide to UTV Overlanding
UTVs can help you and your friends explore the deep recesses of nature. So, why not stay awhile and soak up the scenery instead of driving back the way you came when the sun goes down?
You can use...

How to Bleed ATV Brakes
You never know when you might have to brake suddenly on the trail. Obstacles, floods and rivets demand precise timing and handling. Like most motor vehicles, ATVs have hydraulic brake systems that ...

Acht wichtige Quad-Wartungstipps
Ihr nächstes Offroad-Abenteuer beginnt mit der Wartung Ihres Quads. Diese Fahrzeuge müssen regelmäßig gewartet werden, wenn sie in der freien Natur unterwegs sind – was oft starre Felsformationen, ...

10 entscheidende Quad-Sicherheitstipps
Off-Road-Fahren bedeutet, sich auf unwegsames, nasses Gelände zu begeben und sich auf Unerwartetes vorzubereiten. Die Natur kann mit vielen Überraschungen aufwarten – beim Erlernen des Fahrens geht...

Ein ultimativer Leitfaden für Quad-Camping
Wenn Sie ausgedehntere Touren mit Ihrem Quad unternehmen möchten – kein Problem: Sie können in einigen der besten deutschen Quad-Parks mit angeschlossenen Campingplätzen übernachten. Beim Quad-Camp...

ATV Tire Size Explained
ATV tires are known for their aggressive tread patterns and getting traction in dirt, mud, sand and snow. They’re designed to take a beating on the trail, but ATV tires generally last five years. T...

Six Tips and Tricks for ATV Sand Dune Riding
The name all-terrain vehicle says it all. ATVs can travel on all types of ground, including hard and soft sand, helping you scale dunes and beachside trails like a true explorer. However, all those...

The Ultimate Guide to Off Road Equipment
Off-roading brings thrill and adventure, allowing enthusiasts to explore rugged terrains and remote landscapes. Whether you're tackling rocky trails, traversing sandy dunes, or splashing through mu...

6 Tipps zum Motorschlittenfahren
Stellen Sie sich vor, wie Sie in der Stille einer abgelegenen Landschaft über weiße Pulverschneewolken gleiten. Seit dem Ende der COVID-19-Pandemie ist das Interesse am Motorschlittenfahren in den ...

Fünf Gründe, geführte Quad-Touren zu buchen
Quelle: Tsuguliev/
Wenn Sie ein Quad mieten wollen, können Sie auch gleich an einer geführten Tour teilnehmen – vor allem, wenn Sie neu in diesem Sport sind. Ein Quad zu mieten, bed...

ATV Mud Riding: Ein ultimativer Leitfaden
Quelle: stockphoto mania/
Quads sind dafür gemacht, durch schlammige Sümpfe und dicke Dreckfelder zu fahren, damit man sich nach Herzenslust dreckig machen kann. Viele Fahrer suchen...