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How to Break In Your New Motorcycle
So, you just bought a new motorcycle? Congratulations and welcome to the club! Before you start enjoying all the perks of owning a motorcycle, you need to break in your bike so it warms up to the r...

Can You Wear Earbuds While Riding a Motorcycle?
Why Wear Earbuds?
Riding with certain types of earbuds may benefit you behind the wheel. It may be safer to have your GPS issue instructions directly into your ear so you can hear what it’s saying...

The Best Way to Learn How to Ride a Motorcycle
For those just starting out on their journey as a motorcyclist, the tips in this article will help you get revved up safely. Learning to ride is a long and often intense process of self-discovery t...

Ultimate Guide to Motorcycle Helmet Styles
But choosing a helmet can be easier said than done. There are lots of different motorcycle helmet styles to choose from. Use this guide to find the right safety gear and accessories for your new ri...

Guide to Motorcycle Club Group Riding Formation
What Is a Motorcycle Group?
Motorcycle groups come in all shapes and sizes. They serve all kinds of different needs and purposes in their respective communities. Riders may coalesce around their lo...

What to Do if Your Motorcycle Gets a Flat Tire: Safety Tips and More
Studies show vehicle failure accounts for less than three percent of motorcycle accidents, and most are single vehicle accidents where control is lost due to a puncture flat.
You can prevent flats...

How to Make Your Motorcycle More Visible
Wear High-Visibility Riding Gear
You have a lot of say over what you wear on your bike. Most of us love the traditional black leather riding jacket, but dark colors won’t help you stand out on the...

How to Clean a Motorcycle Helmet Visor
Let’s face it – your motorcycle helmet visor isn’t as clean as it used to be. You might think that visors are made to get dirty, but tiny imperfections, like cracks, dirt and stains, make it harder...

Essential Riding Skills Every Rider Should Know
You can enroll in a motorcycle training course, but you might need some additional practice on your own. Take your bike to an empty parking lot or lonely stretch of road to practice your skills. Th...

ATV vs. Quad vs. 4-Wheeler: A Helpful Guide
There are lots of ways to describe an off-road vehicle. ATVs, quads, 4-wheelers have separate definitions, but many riders often use these terms interchangeably. So, what’s the difference between a...

5 Best Motorcycles for Commuting
Why Bike to Work?
Statistics show just 3% of Americans use motorcycles when commuting to work, but the data is subject to change. The COVID-19 pandemic turned the average American commute on its h...

Motorcycle Skills Guide: What is Countersteering and How to Execute it?
What Is Countersteering?
Countersteering is the act of pushing your handlebars in one direction so that your bike goes in the other. This may sound strange, but chances are you’ve been doing it fo...

The Great Debate: Belt vs Chain Drive Motorcycle
A Brief History of the Belt Chain
The belt chain has been around since the late 1890s when the vehicles were first being invented. At the time, most motorcycles weren’t moving faster than 30 MPH, ...

4 Best Exercises for Motorcycle Riding
Physical fitness is a part of motorcycle riding that is often overlooked. After all, who cares about how much you can bench when your bike is pushing out that sweet, sweet horsepower?
But any skil...

How Much Horsepower Does a Motorcycle Have?
Who doesn’t love horsepower? HP can be a hot topic in the motorcycle industry, but today’s bikes tend to run the gauntlet in terms of power. Some can do zero to sixty in just a few seconds flat, bu...

Dirt Bike vs Motorcycles: The Key Differences
Dirt Bikes
The classic dirt bike has been around since the late 1950s when Soichiro Honda transformed the standard motorcycle into a racing machine. The sport known as motocross really took off in...

How to Be a Better Motorcycle Passenger: Communication Tips, Products and More
But whether you already ride or not, it takes some attention and care to become a good passenger who works as one with the rider. These seven rules will help show you the basics of riding as a pass...

6 Motorcycle Theft Prevention Tips
1. Use a Motorcycle Alarm
It’s not exactly the quietest solution, but it can get the job done. Most of us are so used to hearing car alarms at this point, but they do serve a purpose. The anti-the...

Top Safety Tips Every New Rider Should Know
We all know setting out on the road for the first time after passing your test can be a little daunting, but don’t let that get in the way of getting the most out of your journey into two wheels.

Your Guide to the 14 Best Motorcycle Apps
If you think of games when you hear the phrase “motorcycle apps,” think again. We’re here to round up 14 of the top motorcycle apps that can help you ride smarter and safer. Each provides a differe...

How to Clean a Motorcycle Engine
How to Clean a Motorcycle Engine: Essential Supplies
Here’s what you’ll need for this project:
-Air compressor and hose OR canned compressed air
-Soft bristle brush and sponge
-Bucket of warm...

How to Build a Motorcycle First Aid Kit
Why You Need a Motorcycle First Aid Kit
Riding a motorcycle will expose you to certain hazards. Scrapes, scratches, burns, cuts and insect stings are all common. Beyond that, we all know that majo...

Guide to Motorcycle Lane Position
1. What’s the safest part of a lane for a motorcycle to ride in?
As the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s (MSF) rider manual explains, you can imagine any lane divided into three equal parts: left, c...

ATV vs. Dirt Bike: Understanding the Pros and Cons of Each
-Dirt bikes and ATVs both have a wide spectrum of price points. That said, when it comes to entry- and mid-level models, the price range of dirt bikes is typically several thousand dollars be...