professional skier concentrated on skiing downhill

How to Carve When Skiing

Carving is the parallel parking of turning on skis. It’s a fluid, radiant motion that lights up the track and brings the audience to its heels. The pros seamlessly weave S-shaped spirals around hil...
snowboarding down mountain slope

How to Ski Moguls: 5 Expert Tips

For ski enthusiasts, nothing stirs both excitement and dread like moguls, the potholes of winter sports. They make for some of the trickiest terrain for downhill skiers and have become the centerpi...
biking through nature preserve

The Five Best Mountain Biking Trails in North Carolina

North Carolina boasts a vibrant mountain biking community thanks to its diverse terrain. From the Smoky Mountains and Pisgah National Forest in the west to the Outer Banks in the east, the state's ...
mountain biking oakridge oregon

The Four Best Mountain Biking Trails in Oregon

If you love taking jumps, climbing/descending hills and tackling diverse terrain, Oregon is the state for you for mountain biking. It’s the ninth largest in the country, with an average elevation o...
mountainbikers ride cross country

A Beginner's Guide to Downhill Mountain Bike Racing

Every second counts when you’re racing downhill. Riders often falsely assume that climbing hills is more challenging than descending. Gravity can work to your advantage, giving your legs a break on...
high angle active bikers

Découvrir le bikepacking : tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour devenir campeur à vélo

Le bikepacking est l’art de combiner vélo et camping. L’idée est de pouvoir aller dormir à la belle étoile dans des endroits reculés inaccessibles en voiture, y compris au sein de parcs nationaux e...
biker scenic lake view

The Five Best Mountain Biking Trails in California

With its pristine lakes, towering peaks and diverse terrain, California packs in more nature than any other state. It’s home to 3,427 miles of coastline, mountains over 14,000 feet high and expansi...
man mountain biking in colorado

The Three Best Mountain Biking Trails in Colorado

Colorado, a state that's not just growing in population but also in popularity among mountain bikers, offers a unique blend of adventure and convenience. Determined cyclists from all over the count...
How to Train for Skiing

How to Train for Skiing

Skiing is excellent exercise, putting the body’s biggest muscles to the test. But expect to do a lot of huffing and puffing on the sidelines if you’re not used to being physically active for hours ...
How to Choose Your Snowboard Stance

How to Choose Your Snowboard Stance

Finding your stance as a snowboarder primarily comes down to trial and error. It all depends on your body type and unique preferences.  Where you place your feet on the board will determine how you...
The Different Types of Skiing: An Ultimate Guide

Les différents types de ski : le guide ultime

Le ski se présente et s’apprécie sous de multiples formes. Vous avez sûrement déjà vu des skieurs dévaler les pentes en effectuant toutes sortes de figures et d'acrobaties. D'autres préfèrent s’élo...
How to Choose Ski Goggles

Comment choisir vos lunettes de ski

Elles sont importantes pour le confort de vue et pour avoir la classe sur les pistes, mais c’est surtout pour skier en toute sécurité qu’il est indispensable de porter des lunettes de ski. Elles vo...
6 Cool Ski Gear Accessories to Use This Year

6 Cool Ski Gear Accessories to Use This Year

More people are using ski tech than ever before. The market for ski equipment is expected to grow at an annual rate of 3.7 percent through 2027, with digital ski tech included as more people realiz...
How Long Do Ski Helmets Last?

How Long Do Ski Helmets Last?

We always recommend wearing a ski or snowboard helmet when you’re racing down the side of a mountain. It reduces your risk of injury by around 60 percent when racing towards any number of snowy obs...
How to Lead Climb: An Ultimate Guide

Escalade en tête : un guide complet

Source: lzf/ Si vous souhaitez explorer des falaises inaccessibles à pied et développer au maximum vos compétences de grimpeur, essayez-vous à l'escalade en tête. L'escalade en tête...
Mountain Bike Geometry Explained

Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la géométrie VTT 

Source: Slatan/ Atteindre le sommet de la montagne se résume souvent à de simples calculs. La géométrie du vélo peut jouer en votre faveur ou en votre défaveur, selon votre position...
Mountain Bike Helmet vs. Road Bike Helmet: 3 Differences

Casque de vélo de montagne ou casque de vélo de route : 3 différences 

Source : trek6500/ Vous devez toujours porter un casque lorsque vous faites du vélo, que ce soit sur la route ou en montagne. Les études montrent que les casques réduisent les bless...
What to Wear Downhill Mountain Biking

Quel équipement pour descendre une montagne à VTT

Quoi de plus palpitant que de descendre le coteau d’une montagne à vélo ? Mais il ne suffit pas d’enfourcher un vélo et de prier pour que tout se passe bien. En plus d'un bon VTT, vous aurez b...
Five Downhill Mountain Biking Tips

Five Downhill Mountain Biking Tips

What goes up, must come down. Getting to the top of a steep hill or mountain is challenging enough, but pedaling to the bottom can take just as much effort. The good news is that you can give your ...
Eight Helpful Mountain Bike Training Tips

Cinq conseils utiles pour l'entraînement au VTT

Source: MalikNalik/ Le VTT est une discipline passionnante. Il vous suffit de monter en selle pour mettre à votre portée des destinations inaccessibles en voiture et trop lointaines...
The Ultimate Rock Climbing Equipment List

Les incontournables du matériel d’escalade

Source : Duet PandG/ La varappe, c’est-à-dire l’escalade de parois rocheuses en plein air, est un défi perpétuellement renouvelé pour le corps et pour l’esprit. Il s’agit fonda...
How to Train for Rock Climbing

How to Train for Rock Climbing

Learn the Equipment You won’t get very high off the ground unless you know how to use the required equipment. Your training depends on where and how you like to climb. If you’re heading to the gym...
Must-Have Mountain Biking Gear

Les indispensables du matériel de VTT

Source: lzf/ Près de 7,6 millions de Français pratiquent le VTT chaque année. Ce sport relativement peu coûteux offre de nouvelles manières de renouer avec la nature. Sa pratiq...
What to Wear Under a Ski Helmet

What to Wear Under a Ski Helmet

You should always wear a helmet when skiing downhill, but what about the space underneath your helmet? It’s not necessary to wear a cap or hat between your head and ski helmet, but adding more laye...

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