How to Make Your Motorcycle More Visible

How to Make Your Motorcycle More Visible

Wear High-Visibility Riding Gear

You have a lot of say over what you wear on your bike. Most of us love the traditional black leather riding jacket, but dark colors won’t help you stand out on the road. Reflective, neon colors tend to show up the best at night, so throw on a brightly colored vest, jacket, pants or helmet to make your presence known. If you don’t feel like swapping out your entire wardrobe, you can also add neon, reflective tape to your existing clothes and jacket to help capture more of the light. The tape captures light from oncoming cars, giving drivers plenty of time to get out of the way.

Learn More About Motorcycle Safety Gear

Change the Look of Your Bike

If you have yet to buy a motorcycle, choose one that features bright colors to increase visibility. Exposed metal can also help reflect light on the road. However, finding a brightly colored motorcycle can be easier said than done. A lot of models come with standard colors that won’t exactly light up the road. You can always add a new layer of paint to your existing bike to increase your chances of being spotted on the road. For a simple fix, add reflective tape to the sides and back of your motorcycle. 

You can order reflective tape online and attach it yourself. The tape may fall off from time to time, so be prepared to replace it as needed. For more ideas, visit your local mechanic and talk to them about ways to increase visibility.

a biker wearing a high visibility reflective vest

Upgrade Your Headlight

You don’t have to settle for the factory headlight that came with your motorcycle. Lots of riders will add LED lights or a headlight modulator to increase their visibility on and off the road. LED or xenon lights will increase the amount of light coming off your bike, while modulators use pulsating lights to get the attention of other drivers. 

However, some states ban these accessories because they can make it hard for other drivers to see. Pretty much every state has some laws regarding headlights on the books. In most cases, you might have to dim your headlights when approaching traffic so you don’t accidentally blind the other driver. Check your state’s headlight laws to find out what’s allowed on the road. 

Avoid Dark Spots

Not all roads are created equal. Many do not have lights to guide the way. Once you’ve made all the modifications to your bike, it might be time to slow down behind the wheel. Use caution when riding in areas with low visibility, including back roads, those with lots of foliage and off-road settings where it’s just you versus the wilderness. Try to plan your trip around these areas – or better yet, ride when it’s still light out. 

a biker riding a chopper at night

Keep in Touch

If you’re worried about staying safe in dark areas, you should have a back-up plan in case things take a turn for the worse. Stay connected while riding your motorcycle with a motorcycle Bluetooth headset. The headset allows you to send and receive calls as you ride so you can quickly call for roadside assistance or check in with your loved ones regarding your location and ETA. 

Use motorcycle helmet speakers that produce crystal-clear audio so you can hear everything the person is saying during your ride, even if you’re traveling at high speeds. Some motorcycles can be deafening, so look for noise-cancelling options that help cut out the excess noise. 

You should be able to send and receive calls while wearing your helmet. The audio system should fit into your helmet for a comfortable, safe ride. If your helmet doesn’t work with this technology, use a Bluetooth motorcycle helmet instead. 

Browse Bluetooth Motorcycle Headsets

Having another person in your ear will bring you some much-needed peace of mind on the road. You can always call for help without taking your hands off the handlebars. Keep these tips in mind as you prepare to ride with reduced visibility.