3 Safest Motorcycles for Beginner Riders

3 Safest Motorcycles for Beginner Riders

You should always wear the proper safety gear and use quality motorcycle Bluetooth speakers to keep in touch with your companions, but having the right kind of bike can come in handy as well. Here ...
cardo freecom 2 unit

Cardo Freecom 2+ vs Freecom 4+ Comparison: Which One is Right For You?

When researching the many different types of motorcycle intercoms on the market, you’ll undoubtedly come across the Cardo Freecom 2+ and Freecom 4+, two popular options that we offer. Both are toug...
motorcycle riders riding through mountains

Motorcycle Road Trip Essentials: The Ultimate Guide

As long-distance riders, we live for winding country roads, steep mountain parkways and picturesque byways that hug the coast. The scenic route was made for us. Carving our way through America or w...
Motorcycle Deer Accidents: 6 Tips on How to Avoid

Motorcycle Deer Accidents: 6 Tips on How to Avoid

Hitting a deer with a car is bad enough. Hitting a deer while you are on a motorcycle can be deadly. The best preparation is vigilance. Be aware of your surroundings, especially when you are in a d...
Motovlogging 101: How to Start a Motovlog From Scratch

Motovlogging 101: How to Start a Motovlog From Scratch

No motorcycle enthusiast will ever be able to ride every model, tackle every track or road trip through every amazing scenic area. Fortunately, there’s a way for motorcyclists to get close to these...
Form a pack: link-up on the road with the new ‘KTM PACKTALK EDGE’

Tutti in gruppo: restare collegati sulla strada con il nuovo ‘KTM PACKTALK EDGE’

Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare che Cardo e KTM hanno unito le loro forze per far uscire un'edizione speciale del già ottimo PACKTALK EDGE. Il ‘KTM PACKTALK EDGE’ è compatto, leggero e in perfetta s...
4 Benefits of Using Motorcycle Helmet Speakers for a Long Ride

4 Benefits of Using Motorcycle Helmet Speakers for a Long Ride

1. Help keep you entertained and awake.  Staying alert when you’re on your bike is priority number one, particularly on a long ride. And while the physical nature of a motorcycle ride means that r...
Planning a Motorcycle Trip in Europe: Everything You Need to Know

Planning a Motorcycle Trip in Europe: Everything You Need to Know

The good news is with a little bit of savings and a lot of planning, your dream of a motorcycle trip in Europe can be a reality! Europe has a long history of motorcycle culture, and it’s got some a...
How Does Motorcycle Bluetooth Work?

Come funziona il bluetooth per motociclisti?

Usare il bluetooth per comunicare con il casco da motociclista Cos'è il bluetooth? Il bluetooth esiste da circa vent'anni. I dispositivi bluetooth inviano informazioni a breve distanza utilizzando ...
Das beste Bluetooth-Halbschalenhelm-Headset und die besten Lautsprecher wählen – so geht’s

Das beste Bluetooth-Halbschalenhelm-Headset und die besten Lautsprecher wählen – so geht’s

Halbschalen- oder Integralhelm? Bevor Sie Ihren Kauf tätigen, ist es wichtig, den Unterschied zwischen den Motorrad-Freisprechanlagen für Integralhelme und denjenigen für Halbschalenhelme zu kenne...
How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Helmet Bluetooth Kit for Your Riding Needs

Come scegliere il miglior kit Bluetooth per il casco da motociclista a seconda delle tue necessità di centauro

Se sei pronto a sintonizzarti, scopri di più sui sistemi di comunicazione per motociclisti e su come possono aiutarti a guidare sicuro.   Cos'è un kit interfono Bluetooth da motociclista?...
happy group atving

ATV Hand Signals and Other Trail Riding Etiquette Essentials

ATV trail riding is all about enjoying and sharing natural spaces with your friends and family. But when you’re out on the trail, it’s critical to have a set of rules that everyone can follow to en...
man riding motorcycle at night

4 Tips for Riding a Motorcycle at Night Safely 

Riding a motorcycle at night can be lots of fun, and not just because you get to imagine you’re Ghost Rider. With less traffic on the roads, it’s a great way to get some solitude and breathing room...
How to Choose Motorcycle Headsets for Group Communication

Come scegliere il miglior sistema di comunicazione per i giri di gruppo in moto

Se si viaggia in gruppo, è necessario poter comunicare con i propri compagni. Non potrai interagire con gli altri sopra il rumore del motore, a meno che non ti dispiaccia gridare. Anche se fosse po...
Motorcycle Half-Helmet Bluetooth Headsets: How to Choose

Come scegliere i migliori auricolari e altoparlanti Bluetooth per mezzo casco

Mezzo casco vs. Integrale Prima di iniziare a fare acquisti, è importante capire la differenza tra gli interfoni per caschi integrali e mezzi caschi. I caschi integrali tendono ad essere i più comu...
How Often Should You Change Motorcycle Oil?

How Often Should You Change Motorcycle Oil?

Oil is the lubricant that keeps your motorcycle engine running. Without it, your bike would come to a grinding halt. Changing the oil is one of the most effective ways to maintain your motorcycle. ...
Bluetooth vs. Mesh for Motorcycle Communication Systems

Bluetooth vs. Mesh for Motorcycle Communication Systems

If you’re looking for a motorcycle communication system, you’re probably going to use Bluetooth, which is the most popular way to send data wirelessly across short distances. Bluetooth has surged i...
What do You Need for Skiing: Your Skiing Equipment Checklist

What do You Need for Skiing: Your Skiing Equipment Checklist

Here’s everything you’ll need for your first ski trip: Skis, Bindings, and Poles Start by choosing the right type of skis for your size and skill set. The length of the skis will depend on your h...
Do Electric Motorcycles Have Gears?

Do Electric Motorcycles Have Gears?

If you’re interested in riding an electric motorcycle or already have one of your own, you’re probably wondering how it differs from a traditional gas-powered motorcycle. Electric vehicles (EVs) ha...
How Much does an Electric Motorcycle Cost: Savings and Maintenance Considerations  

How Much does an Electric Motorcycle Cost: Savings and Maintenance Considerations  

Learn more about the costs associated with electric motorcycles and how they compare to their gas-powered counterparts. How Much Does an Electric Motorcycle Cost? Electric vehicles have been mak...
How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Intercom for You?

How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Intercom for You?

Going Wireless The best motorcycle intercoms are wireless. You shouldn’t have anything dangling or hanging from your helmet when riding. These wires could obstruct your view or limit your range of...
Things to Look for in a Motorcycle Intercom Set

Things to Look for in a Motorcycle Intercom Set

If you’re heading out on your motorcycle, you should consider wearing a motorcycle intercom. These compact devices are designed to attach to your helmet, so you can coordinate with other riders on ...
Three quad bikes in the forest in winter

Winter ATV Riding Gear

Because Cardo Systems is a company for all kinds of powersports lovers, we’ve created a quick and helpful list of gear that will make your winter ATV ride safer and more fun. Some are best for ride...
Down to Mongolia on a Vulcan

Down to Mongolia on a Vulcan

Dates: 01/05/2018 – 07/10/2018 // 26/04/2019 – 04/07/2019 It’s seven o’clock in the morning. In the gloom of my tent, my eyes only glimpse to see a small halo of light coming from outside. Groping...