Cardo Blog
So reinigt man einen Geländemotorradhelm
Wenn Sie ein erfahrener Geländemotorradfahrer sind, wissen Sie, dass Ihr Helm nicht sehr lange sauber bleibt. Er wird innerhalb von Minuten schmutzig, wenn Sie über unwegsames Gelände fahren. Schla...
Trad vs. Sportklettern: Was sind die Unterschiede?
Quelle: matteo bedendo/
Klettern hört sich vielleicht recht einfach an, aber es gibt viele verschiedene Arten des Kletterns, und jede dient einem anderen Zweck. Es gibt das traditio...
Cruiser vs. Touring-Motorrad: Welches ist das Richtige für Sie?
Wenn Sie in ein Motorrad investieren wollen, müssen Sie sich zwischen einem Tourer und einem Cruiser entscheiden. Beide Modelle haben typische Eigenschaften, die Ihre Fahrweise beeinflussen ...
Musik hören auf dem Motorrad: Drei Dinge, die zu beachten sind
Wenn Sie gerne Musik hören und Motorrad fahren, sind Sie heutzutage gut dran – es war noch nie so einfach, beides gleichzeitig zu tun. Neue Technologien verändern die Art und Weise, wie Moto...
Buying a Used Motorcycle: 5 Things to Consider
Always Use Helmet Communication for a Safer Ride
1. Price
Used motorcycles tend to be much less expensive than newer bikes, but recent supply chain issues have increased demand for used bikes, wh...
So verhindern Sie, dass Ihr Motorradhelm beschlägt
Quelle: RawDoor/
Ein beschlagener Motorradhelm ist nicht nur ärgerlich. Er kann auch beängstigend sein – vor allem, wenn Sie mit hohen Geschwindigkeiten unterwegs sind. Gute Sicht i...
Motorrad-Pendlerausrüstung: 5 unverzichtbare Utensilien
Wussten Sie, dass täglich über 70 Millionen Fahrzeuge auf deutschen Straßen unterwegs sind, aber nur 5 Millionen davon Motorräder sind? Wenn Sie mit dem Motorrad zur Arbeit fahren, sind Sie ...
Machen Sie sich bereit für die neue Motorradsaison
Nach den langen, nassen und kalten Wintermonaten ist es endlich an der Zeit, die neue Motorradsaison einzuläuten. Starten Sie gut gerüstet in die Saison und stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Schutzklei...
Must-Have Winter Gear for Motorcycle Riders
Knowing When to Ride
It is not safe to ride when there is snow or ice on the ground or if it is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit outside. This can lead to slick conditions that dramatically increase th...
5 Motorcycle Valentine's Gifts
1. Matching Bluetooth Headsets
Nothing could be more romantic than taking off on a scenic motorcycle ride as a couple. You can snuggle up to one another as you explore new environments. They say l...
Riding Your Motorcycle in the Snow: Is It Safe?
Can You Ride a Motorcycle in the Snow?
It is generally considered unsafe to ride a motorcycle in the snow. That’s because motorcycle tires usually don’t have enough traction to drive on top of sno...
What to Wear Cross-Country Skiing
Ready to hit the trail? You’ll need to dress properly to stay warm and safe while cross-country skiing, but finding the right combination of layers and waterproof gear can be a challenge. It’s boun...
How Do Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen and How Do You Prevent Them?
So, how often do motorcycle crashes happen? And what can you do to prevent them?
How Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen?
According to the most recent data, just under 83,000 motorcycle accidents resu...
The Ultimate Motorcycle Camping Gear Checklist
On the surface, motorcycle camping invites you to pare it back to basics. Out in the beauty of nature, it should be just you, your bike and your tent—right?
Well, not quite. Motorcycle camping may...
3 Best Places to Travel in Winter for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Preparing for Your Trip
You can engage in various outdoor activities at any one of the destinations on this list, including winter mountain hiking, skiing, snowboarding, snow biking, snowmobili...
How to Clean a Motorcycle Helmet
Your helmet is the single most important piece of safety gear you own as a motorcyclist, so it’s important to take care of it. And whether you just flew through a swarm of gnats or your helmet’s li...
What Is a Bobber Motorcycle?
What Is a Bobber Motorcycle?
A bobber motorcycle is not a single type of motorcycle but a customization style. It is essentially a standard motorcycle with all of its external features and parts r...
Riding a Motorcycle in Winter: The Ultimate Guide
As they say in a certain famous TV show, winter is coming. Depending on when and where you’re reading this, winter might already be here, and that means that motorcyclists around the world are grud...
Do You Have to Have a Motorcycle License?
Do You Have to Have a Motorcycle License?
Yes, you will need a valid motorcycle license to ride a motorcycle anywhere in the country. Having a license demonstrates you are capable of riding the ve...
6 Reasons Why a Motorcycle Bluetooth Communication System Is a Great Holiday Gift
1. Helps keep your loved one safe.
When riders can communicate easily, they’re more able to stay safe on the road. A Bluetooth motorcycle headset:
Helps alert other riders in the group to obs...
5 Great Gifts for Dirt Bike Riders
Bluetooth Headset
One of the best parts of riding a dirt bike is sharing the experience with other riders. That’s why everyone on the trail should use a Bluetooth motorcycle headset that lets them...
Do You Need a Helmet to Snowboard?
So, do you need to wear a helmet to snowboard?
Yes, children and adults should wear a helmet when snowboarding, according to medical experts. But the lodge or park where you ski may not require yo...
What Are Snowboard Helmet Speakers? How to Listen to Music and Talk While Snowboarding
Even though you don’t have poles, you need to keep your hands free. They will help you turn and stop when necessary. If you fall, which is bound to happen when you’re just starting out, you can use...
How to Choose the Best Motorcycle Helmet Speakers for Your Riding Needs
What Are Motorcycle Helmet Speakers?
Let’s start with the basics. Motorcycle riders have always longed for the ability to communicate. Some of the earliest motorcycles came with built-in radios th...